
[Home] [PMWIN] [3D Visualization] [ASMWIN] [Downloads] [Links]

by Wen-Hsing Chiang Last Update: April 15, 2011




1. Government Sites
2. University/Research Sites
3. Commercial Sites
  • Aqtesolv: Home of AQTESOLV, an all-in-one package for the analysis of pumping tests, slug tests and single-well tests.
  • Integrated Environmental Service, Inc. Provides desktop and web-based products for rapid and easy access to complex environmental and/or geospatial data. It also sells PMWINPro (7.0) and 3D Master.
  • Scientific Software Group Here you can find a lot of MODFLOW related software and software for hydrology, air pollution and geology
  • Simcore Software New home of Processing Modflow, you can purchase Processing Modflow and the new 3D Visualization package Seer3D here.
  • S. S. Papadopulos You can download software from SSPA, e.g. MT3D.
  • Watermark Computing Visit and get more about PEST here.
4. Mailing Lists
5. Freeware and Shareware